Counselor Advisory Board
The University of Tennessee’s Counselor Advisory Board is comprised of high school counselors, advisors, and college planning professionals from across the country. The board engages and supports the admissions office on behalf of students and counselors served by The University of Tennessee. The board is a resource for reviewing in-house processes and giving valuable input to aid our strategic direction serving students. Counselor Advisory Board members are specifically chosen based on their incredible experience, expertise, and involvement. Each year new board members rotate in, chosen by our UT admissions staff or are nominated by current board members and serve on average a two year term.

Jamie Adelson
Boca Raton, FL
Saint Andrew’s School

Raven Baytops
Richmond, VA
Saint Catherines School

Jenny Byers
Memphis, TN
Memphis University School

Kevin Cubberly
Flemington, NJ
Hunterdon Central Regional High School

Amanda Dardy
Nashville, TN
GEAR UP Nashville/Cane Ridge High School

Henry DelAngelo
Redding, CT
Joel Barlow High School

Taylor Forbes
Erwin, TN
Unicoi County High School – Ayers Foundation Trust

Chadwick Fulton
Austin, TX
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School

Dan Gin
Skokie, IL
Niles Township West High School

Loretta Hearn
Nashville, TN
KIPP Nashville Public Schools

Lani Johnston
Indianapolis, IN
Westfield High School

Tamara D. Jones
Memphis, TN
Middle College High School at Christian Brothers University

Elisa Krapcha
Aurora, CO
Regis Jesuit High School

Dustin Lynn
Nashville, TN
Battle Ground Academy

Kelly McGlynn
Philadelphia, PA
St. Joseph’s Preparatory School

Chris Miller
Sandy Springs, MD
Sandy Spring Friends School

Mickey Saloma
Dallas, TX
John Paul II High School

Alex Segura
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Latin School

Bartley Sides
Greenville, SC
Christ Church Episcopal School

Ann Katherine Taylor
Chattanooga, TN
Baylor School

Chad Terry
Rosemount, MN
Rosemount High School

Katrina Thaxton
Knoxville, TN
Austin East High School

Courtney Vaughn
Atlanta, GA
The Lovett School